January Obsessions...


Hello Lovelies,

I hope that your first month in 2014 has been good. Are you keeping to your new years resolutions? I never usually make any but this year I decided to make one which was to become a much more positive person and so far its going well.
As January is coming to an end its time for me to share with you some of my obsessions from the past month.

January to me has been just like December.....wet, cold and well dull,
I am absolutely in love with my Kabuki brush which I got for Christmas and surprisingly was all I really asked for it is most definitely a make up accessory must have!
Whilst writing this I was eating 'Toffee apple Popcorn" I'll admit that I'm not such a big fan of toffee popcorn but my god this stuff is heavenly...I can see this becoming a Feb obsession as well and I shall be snacking on it for ages.

As with a previous( hang on more like lifetime) obsession with jumpers this month I've been obsessed with hoodies, I mean I legit live in them. Anyone else? No...just me then!

I apologise for this post being so short and well boring I guess but feel free to send me some suggestions for future posts and let me know of any obsessions you had this month or even new years resolutions (:

Mwaaaah Becca xoxox

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