The Wonders of Coconut Oil


Hello Lovelies, How are we all? Yet again I have a product review to share with you's! On Monday there will be a lot of posts, due to me not being able to post because of work, so yeah happy reading on Monday.

The wonders of coconut oil. I was lucky as a teenager when it came to skin, I mean I got the odd spot now and again but it was nothing major. It wasn't until I hit the age of say 20 that I got a lot more breakouts, I'm simply putting this down to the amount of make up I wear now and also the stresses of getting older I guess....but you're not old I hear you say haha.

I've tried many products 'claiming' to work wonders for spot prone skin and honestly none of them worked for me not to say they may work  for you. I've often seen bloggers hyping about how amazing coconut oil is for spot prone skin actually any skin to be fair, so a couple of weeks ago I joined the hype and brought some, it's £2.29 for a 125ml tub in Superdrug which I think is really good, the oil itself is solid in the tub but once it comes into contact with your skin it melts making it easy to apply.

I've applied this stuff morning and night for the past couple of weeks and I am so happy with the results, it just goes to show you don't have to spend loads on skin products for them to do the job.
Coconut oil can also be used for hair as a kind of hair mask to combat dry/damaged hair, I have yet to try this out but I'm sure I most certainly will.

Most importantly I love the fact that it is suitable for all skin types, my skin is so sensitive so finding products which aren't irritant is good.

So whether you have spot prone skin like me or you just want that lovely soft skin feeling go and buy some coconut oil you will not be disappointed trust me!

See you Monday
Mwwwwaahhh Becca xox

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