November Obsessions...


Hello Lovelies,
Just a few things Im obsessed with this month....

Over the past month i have really been into jumpers, i have never owned so many in my life, i mean if im not going out anywhere i just love putting my hair in a bun, with no make up and wearing a nice comfy jumper.

I'm a Celeb:
Yes, im one of those reality tv show junkies.
I'm a celeb, big brother, TOWIE. As soon as its that time of the year or theres a new series out im hooked!
I was team joey as soon as i knew he was going in. #TEAMJOEY

Toasting Marshmallows:
There is honestly nothing more perfect at this time of the year than toasting marshmallows on the fire #pureheaven.

Becca xoxoxo

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